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Food Deserts:

Nutritious and healthy food sources are often the ones that cost the most. People from low-income communities don’t have access to those resources because of the cost. Instead they live off of the food from places like McDonald’s where the food isn’t as nutritious. They don’t have a reliable, healthy, cost-efficient food source and it ends up affecting their health. They are at more of a risk of developing an illness like diabetes where they won’t get the proper treatment because they can’t afford it. However, some things can be done to prevent food deserts and help people gain access to farmers markets and a stable food source.,


Social Equity vs. Equality:

To the average adult, equity and equality are the same things, but upon closer inspection, one can see that they are entirely different concepts. Equality doesn’t guarantee success. It’s more about fairness and treating people similarly. Since everyone is different and have different needs, it’s impossible to give everyone the same things while at the same time catering to their specific needs. Equity, on the other hand, is more about giving everyone what they need to be successful. People learn at different levels, have access to different things, and come from different backgrounds, therefore treating everyone the same isn’t always the right way to go. Not everyone’s expectations and needs are met with equality. It is said that equity is something we should be striving for instead of balance because more people benefit from being given what they need.

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